Guest speaker: Window Book Marketing and Training Specialist Monica Lundquist
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The USPS is proposing to make mailer participation in Seamless Acceptance mandatory in the future. Seamless Acceptance is designed to help streamline and automate acceptance, verification, payment, and induction of business mailings performed during postal processing of the mail. There are many benefits to this program, both for mailers and the USPS. Many mailers have tried to avoid it based on fear of costly assessments, but it does not have to be scary.
View the link above to get an overview of Seamless Acceptance, the requirements for participation, and the benefits of using the system. Topics will cover Parallel vs Full Seamless, what to expect and how to avoid any issues. Specific solutions will be discussed to help monitor scorecards, check for Undocs, monitor jobs and retrieve/archive statements as well as QC pallets on the floor, etc.